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Autophagy and the mitochondrial Lon1 protease are necessary for Botrytis cinerea heat adaptation

Zhang M, Ma L, LV Z, Kagan Trushina N, Sharon A (2025)


Wheat fungal endophyte communities are inseparable from the host and influence plant development

Sharon O, Kagan-Trushina N, Sharon A (2023)

mBio, e02533-23

The Botrytis cinerea transglycosylase BcCrh4 is a cell death-inducing protein with cell death-promoting and -suppressing domains

Liang YBi KSharon A (2024)

Plant, Cell & Environment 47, 354–371

Serine peptidases and increased amounts of soluble proteins contribute to heat priming of the plant pathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea

Zhang M, Kagan Trushina NLang THahn MPasmanik-Chor MSharon A (2023)

mBio, e01077-23

The wheat stem rust resistance gene Sr43 encodes an unusual protein kinase

Yu G, Matny O, Gourdoupis S et al (2023)

Nature Genetics,  55, pages921–926

Distinct Features Based on Partitioning of the Endophytic Fungi of Cereals and Other Grasse

Sun X, Sharon O, Sharon A (2023)

Microbiology Spectrum, 11(3):e0061123

Transmission mode and assembly of seed fungal endophyte communities in wheat and wheat wild relatives 

Sharon OSun XEzrati SKagan-Trushina N, Sharon A (2023)

Phytobiomes Journal, 7:113-124

Killing softly: a roadmap of Botrytis cinerea pathogenicity

Bi K, Liang Y, Mengiste T, Sharon A (2022)

Trends in Plant Science, review, volume 28, issue 2, p211-222

Pathogenic strategies and immune mechanisms to necrotrophs: Differences and similarities to biotrophs and hemibiotrophs

Liao C J, Hailemariam S, Sharon A, Mengiste T (2022)

Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 69:10229


Botrytis cinerea BcSSP2 protein is a late infection phase, cytotoxic effector

Zhu W, Yu M, Xu R, Bi K, Yu S, Xiong C, Liu Z, Sharon A, Jiang D, Wu M, Gu Q, Gong L, Chen W, Wei W (2022)

Environmental Microbiology, 24(8), 3420–3435 

Regulation of plant immunity and growth by tomato receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase TRK1

Jaiswal N, Liao C J, Mengesha B, Han H, Lee S, Sharon A, Zhou Y, Mengiste T (2022)

New Phytologist. 233:458-478


Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement

Gaurav K, Arora S, Silva P, Sánchez-Martín J, Horsnell R, Gao L, Brar G S, Widrig V, John Raupp W, Singh N, Wu S, Kale S M, Chinoy C, Nicholson P, Quiroz-Chávez J, Simmonds J, Hayta S, Smedley M A, Harwood W, Pearce S and 58 others (2022)

Nature Biotechnology. 40:422-431


Jasmonic acid pathway is required in the resistance induced by Acremonium sclerotigenum in tomato against Pseudomonas syringae

Llorens E, Scalschi L, Sharon O, Vicedo B, Sharon A, García-Agustín P (2022)

Plant Science. 318, 111210


Genome sequences of three Aegilops species of the section Sitopsis reveal phylogenetic relationships and provide resources for wheat improvement

Avni R, Lux T, Minz-Dub A, Millet E, Sela H, Distelfeld A, Deek J, Yu G, Steuernagel B, Pozniak C, Ens J, Gundlach H, Mayer K F X, Himmelbach A, Stein N, Mascher M, Spannagl M, Wulff B B H, Sharon A (2022)

Plant Journal. 110:179-192


Aegilops sharonensis genome-assisted identification of stem rust resistance gene Sr62

Yu G, Matny O, Champouret N, Steuernagel B, Moscou M J, Hernández-Pinzón I, Green P, Hayta S, Smedley M, Harwood W, Kangara N, Yue Y, Gardener C, Banfield M J, Olivera P D, Welchin C, Simmons J, Millet E, Minz-Dub A, Ronen M and 20 others (2022)

Nature Communications. 13:1607


The Botrytis cinerea Crh1 transglycosylase is a cytoplasmic effector triggering plant cell death and defense response

Bi K, Scalschi L, Jaiswal N, Mengiste T, Fried R, Sanz A B, Arroyo J, Zhu W, Masrati G, Sharon A (2021)

Nature Communications. 12:2166


High molecular weight glutenin gene diversity in Aegilops tauschii demonstrates unique origin of superior wheat quality

Open Wild Wheat Consortium (2021)

Communications Biology. 4, 1, 1242


Effect of ionizing radiation on the bacterial and fungal endophytes of the halophytic plant kalidium schrenkianum

Zhu J, Sun X, Zhang Z D, Tang Q Y, Gu M Y, Zhang L J, Hou M, Sharon A and Yuan H L (2021)

Microorganisms. 9, 5, 1050


Botrytis cinerea methyl isocitrate lyase mediates oxidative stress tolerance and programmed cell death by modulating cellular succinate levels

Oren-Young L, Llorens E, Bi K, Zhang M, Sharon A (2021)

Fungal Genetics and Biology. 146, 103484


Stem endophytic mycobiota in wild and domesticated wheat: Structural differences and hidden resources for wheat improvement

Sun X, Kosman E, Sharon A (2020)

Journal of Fungi. 6, 1-19


Significant host- and environment-dependent differentiation among highly sporadic fungal endophyte communities in cereal crops-related wild grasses

Sun X, Kosman E, Sharon O, Ezrati S, Sharon A (2020)

Environ Microbiol. 22, 3357-3374


Reducing the size of an alien segment carrying leaf rust and stripe rust resistance in wheat

Khazan S, Minz-Dub A, Sela H, Manisterski j, Ben-Yehuda P, Sharon A, Millet E. (2020)

BMC Plant Biology. BMC Plant Biol 20:153


Production and role of hormones during interaction of fusarium species with maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings

Vrabka, J., Niehaus, E. M., Münsterkötter, M., Proctor, R. H., Brown, D. W., Novák, O., Pěnčik, A., Tarkowská, D., Hromadová, K., Hradilová, M., Oklešt’ková, J., Oren-Young, L., Idan, Y., Sharon, A., Maymon, M., Elazar, M., Freeman, S., Güldener, U., Tudzynski, B., Galuszka, P., Bergougnoux V. (2019)

Frontiers in Plant Science. 9, 1936


Endophytes from wild cereals protect wheat plants from drought by alteration of physiological responses of the plants to water stress

Llorens E, Sharon O, Camañes G, García-Agustín P, Sharon A. (2019)

Environ Microbiol 21: 3299–3312


Response to Comment on “Sterilizing immunity in the lung relies on targeting fungal apoptosis-like programmed cell death”

Shlezinger N., Irmer H., Dhingra S., Beattie SR., Cramer RA., Braus, GH., *Sharon A., *Hohl TM. (2018)

Science 360: eaas9457


Guidelines and recommendations on yeast cell death nomenclature

Carmona-Gutierrez D et al (2018).

Microb Cell 5: 5-31


UDP-KDG, a native antifungal compound, weakens fungal cell wall partly by inhibition of UDP-galactopyranose mutase

Ma L., Salas, O., Bowler K., Bar-Peled M., Sharon A. (2017)

mBio 8: e01559-17


BcXYG1, a secreted xyloglucanase from Botrytis cinerea, triggers both cell death and plant immune responses

Zhu W., Ronen M., Gur Y., Minz-Dub A., Masrati G., Ben-Tal N., Savidor A., Sharon I., Eizner E., Valeriu O., Braus GH., Bowler K., Bar-Peled M., Sharon A. (2017)

Plant Physiol 175: 172-185


Sterilizing immunity in the lung relies on targeting fungal apoptosis-like programmed cell death

Shlezinger N., Irmer H., Dhingra S., Beattie SR., Cramer RA., Braus, GH., *Sharon A., *Hohl TM. (2017)

Science 357: 1037-1041. *Corresponding authors. Recommended by F1000


Characterization of Botrytis-plant interactions using PathTrack© - an automated system for dynamic analysis of disease development

Eizner E., Ronen M., Gur Y., Gavish A., Zhu W. and Sharon A. (2017)

Mol Plant Pathol 18: 503-512


Wild emmer genome assembly provides insights into wheat evolution and domestication

Avni R et al. (2017)

Science 357: 93-97


Genetic alteration of UDP-rhamnose metabolism in Botrytis cinerea leads to accumulation of UDP-KDG that adversely affects development and pathogenicity

Ma L., Salas O., Bowler K., Oren-Young L., Bar-Peled M. and Sharon A. (2016).

Mol Plant Pathol 18: 263-275


Comparative ‘omics’ of the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex highlights differences in genetic potential and metabolite synthesis

Münsterkötter M., Niehaus EM., Proctor RH., Brwon DW., Sharon A., Idan I., Oren-Young L., Sieber CM., Novák O., Pěnčík A., Tarkowská D., Hromadová K., Freeman S., Maymon M., Elazar M., Youssef SA., El-Shabrawy ESM., Shalaby AA., Houterman P., Brock NL., Burkhardt I., Tsavkelova EA, Dickschat JS., Galuszka P., Güldener U. and Tudzynski B. (2016)

Gen Biol Evol. 8: 3574-3599


Nucleoporin-regulated MAP kinase signaling in Arabidopsis immunity to a necrotrophic fungus

Genenncher B., Wirthmueller L., Roth C., Klenke M., Ma L., Sharon A. and Wiermer M. (2016)

Plant Physiol 172: 1293-1305


The Botrytis cinerea PAK kinase BcCla4 mediates morphogenesis, growth and cell cycle regulating processes downstream of BcRac

Minz-Dub A. and Sharon A. (2016)

Mol Microbiol 104: 487-498


Diversity of fungal endophytes in recent and ancient wheat ancestors Triticum dicoccoides and Aegilops sharonensis

Ofek-Lalzar M., Gur Y., Ben-Moshe S., Sharon O., Kosman E., Mochly E. and Sharon A. (2016)

FEMS Microbiol Ecol 92: fiw152


Translocation from nuclei to cytoplasm is necessary for anti A-PCD activity and turnover of the Type II IAP BcBir1

Shlezinger N., Israeli M., Mochly E., Oren-Young L., Zhu W. and Sharon A. (2016)

Mol Microbiol 99: 393–406


Infection process and fungal virulence factors. Botrytis - The Fungus, the Pathogen and its Management in Agricultural Systems

González C., Brito N. and Sharon A. (2015)

Springer International Publishing, p. 229-246


Measurement of apoptosis by SCAN – a program for analysis of fluorescently labelled nuclei

Shlezinger N., Eizner E., Minz-Dub A., Dubinski S., Tetroashvilli R. and Sharon A. (2014)

Microb Cell 1: 406-415


Involvement of Botrytis cinerea Small GTPases BcRAS1 and BcRAC in Differentiation, Virulence and the Cell Cycle

Minz-Dub A., Kokkelink L., Tudzynski B., Tudzynski P. and Sharon A. (2013)

Eukar Cell 12: 1609-1618


Fungi Infecting Plants and Animals: Killers, Non-Killers and Cell Death

Sharon A. and Shlezinger N. (2013)

PLoS Path. Pearls 9: e1003517


Apoptotic-like programmed cell death in fungi: the benefits in filamentous species

Shlezinger N., Goldfinger N., Sharon A. (2012)

Front. Mol. Cel. Oncol. 2: 97(1-8)


Identification and functional characterization of a bacteria-like gene cluster for indole-3-acetamide-mediated IAA biosynthesis in plant-associated Fusarium species

Tsavkelova E., Oeser E., Oren-Young L., Israeli M., Sasson Y., Tudzynski B., Sharon A. (2012)

Fung. Genet. Biol. 49: 48-57


The small GTPase BcCdc42 effects nuclear division, germination and virulence of the grey mold fungus Botrytis cinerea

Kokkelink L., Minz A., Al-Masri M., Giesbert S., Barakat R., Sharon A., Tudzynski P. (2011)

Fung. Genet. Biol. 48: 1012-1019


Apoptosis in the grey mold fungus Botrytis cinerea: Molecular components and role in pathogenicity

Shlezinger N., Doron A., Sharon A. (2011)

Biochem. Soc. Trans. 39: 1493-1498


Genomic analysis of the necrotrophic fungal pathogens Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and Botrytis cinerea

Amselem, J., C., van Kan J. et al. (2011)

PLoS Genet 7 (8): e1002230


Anti-apoptotic machinery protects the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea from host-induced apoptotic-like cell death during plant infection

Shlezinger N., Minz A., Gur Y., Hatam I., Dagdas YF, Talbot NJ. Sharon A. (2011)

PLoS Pathog 7 (8): e1002185


Regulation of pathogenic spore germination by CgRac1 in the fungal plant pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides

Nesher I., Minz A., Kokkelnik L., Tudzynski P. and Sharon A. (2011)

Eukar Cell 10: 1122-1130


Botrytis cinerea BcNma is involved in apoptotic cell death but not in stress adaptation

Finkelshtein A., Shlezinger N., Bunis O. and Sharon A. (2011)

Fung. Genet. Biol. 48: 621-630

©2022 by Amir Sharon's Lab Tel Aviv University, Israel.

updated at 9.2.2025

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